Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Lost Friendship

I sit and think, as time passes by

What a great time we had past year

A true friendship, long conversations

Life, events, we had it all figured out

Laughter, caring, outings were frequent

Now I wonder where all that love went

Along the way, something went wrong

Friendship ended, hearts were broken

Deep down, I think you all wanted a break

Watching two best friends; drifting apart

It felt cold, distant, lost and hurt

I wish we can go back to the happier days

We used adore; look out for one another

Without stepping in to each others toes

It’s not important why we became friends

It’s the bond, trust and love that counts

Friends, always be there for one another.

I don’t know if this true or not any more

Million little things that I want to share

I don’t think it holds a value any longer

It’s true; we make new friends all our life

But only few becomes so close to heart

As I cling to the memories that are left

Life goes on; nothing remain the same

We go our separate ways; looking for new

Goals to pursue, new dreams to conquer

I look a round with a sigh; for ‘A Friend’

Room full of people; endless chatters

I see many faces, icy stares & empty smiles

I searched for that spark, warmth & affection

I paused for a moment and realized…

They are not you!! They can never be you!!


If you love...

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