Monday, June 06, 2011

My childhood

My childhood was full of innocence

Time in My world seemed endless

All I cared was to run around circles

Singing & Dancing with my buddies

Sat on the tree house & eating popsicles

Watched the parrots flew over the fields

Everything was bigger and so colorful

Every one was nicer and my best friends

School days were filled with fun & mischief

I did not care for home work or class work

I was always fooling around in the hood

Lots of happy holidays in granny’s house

Laughter, love was never short in her care

Smile was just enough to get things done

It was a hero bike I got for my 10th b’day

I paraded that in town as if I won the lottery

World seemed to be a fair and wonderful place

Love was pure and tenderness prevailed

No obligations or expectations to lived up to

All the good times I shared with my family

I know, my childhood was long gone

But child in me never ever left home

1 comment:

Bhargav Bhatt said...

toooo sweet, you took me back to those moments for a while...

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