There is more to life than living out the lyrics of a country and western song. If her cheatin' heart is more than you can stand, it is time for you to change your tune or face the music.
Think about the source of your suspicion. If you "heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another she's been messin' around," look for more reliable information.
Make sure that jealousy and insecurity are not making you falsely accuse someone you care about.
Trust your instincts. If you think that your girlfriend is cheating on you, then ask her. If her answer is, "Oh, no honey. Of course not! How could you even ask such a thing? You know I love you and only you (kiss-kiss)," but you simply don't believe her, make sure your mistrust is based on something you witness or experience.
Noticing a change in your relationship or her behavior would make your suspicion reasonable. Seeing her with someone else, who looks clearly to be more than a friend, is pretty solid evidence.
Consider your physical health and emotional well-being. Could she be putting you at risk for sexually transmitted diseases? Can you deal with being one of many?
Think about what you would tell a sibling or a best friend to do in your situation. Is fear keeping you from following your own advice?
Discuss your feelings with your girlfriend. Tell her how her cheating is affecting you. Explain what you're looking for in this relationship.
Listen to what she has to say. Her response to your concerns should give you the information you need to do what is right for you.
Inform your girlfriend of your decision, whether it is to forgive her and start over, have a brief separation while you figure out what to do, or part ways.
Tips: This does not have to get ugly. Wait until you are able to address this issue as rationally as possible. Regardless of her cheating, remember that you cared about her once, and you still may. You don't need to console her, but you will feel better about yourself if you take the high road.
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