Locking inside the sadness
Heart is about to break
Not wanting to tell you
How I feel right now
Showing the brave face
Wish I can run back to you
Like good old days
Cry on your shoulder
You have that magic touch
Make every trouble go away
Having grown up quickly
I am not the little girl anymore
Can’t jump in to your lap and
Wait for you to hug me
I miss your comfort, gentle touch
Times you make me laugh
Above all, your dearest love
Wish we had spent more time
All my dreams are on hold now
Have a husband to take care of
Whole house to clean up
Pretended to be the house wife
This is not what I expected
To play the second role
This is not what you taught me
Picture of a perfect marriage
Listen & respect each other
Feel there is no justice
Served in this world
Dad…can I come back home
To be the star in your world