For this is a trap from which you cannot escape .
Be wise
Learn what is real and what is not,
What is necessary and what is not,
Set your sights high and work
Steadfastly towards your goal.
There is no fire like passion.
There is no grasp like hate.
There is no trap like illusion.
There is no flood like craving.
Courtesy is most precious.
Beauty without courtesy is
like a garden without flowers.
Source -"The Dhammapada "- widly regarded as the most accurate of the recorded versions of Buddha's teaching.
hey dush...nice Blog Post....you are not in Yahoo chat.....Bye
The picture is nice...very peaceful
Wonderful wise words from the buddha himself :)
*me delves into zen*
ya...so many of it in Dhammapada...i heard about Zen..it is mostly practice in Tibet i guess...i am in to theravada Buddhism...i do practice meditation when ever i get a chance...
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I had always considerd embracing Buddhism :-)
Not a bad choice Raja :-):-)
yes... always awaken your innerself to know who we are in real... that is what always even BHAGWAD GITA says,... do not hurt others to hurt yourself coz when you hurt others, the almighty gets hurt and the almighty is none other then your own soul, the day it glimpsis out you feel wierd if you are not awaken...
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